Learn Amp Security Features

We want to give security controls to you to help you to manage the platform.

Flexible permissions

Assign users a role from a series of designed presets. Toggles allow you nuanced controls over who can see what.

Content permissions

Just want to give users control over a specific piece of content? You can set editors for specific pieces of content.

Permissions hierarchy

Give your managers the power to manage their teams with hierarchical permissions.

Visibility controls

Define who can see what with nuanced visibility and assignment controls.

Audit log

Track key actions within your account to ensure the right people are doing the right things, such as password resets and logging in as a user.

Password algorithm

We use a password algorithm that combines the usual security measures (capitalisation, numbers, symbols) with some advanced techniques such as guessability (repetition of the same word).


Enable SSO in your accounts to ensure that users are logging in with a secure account.

Secure integrations

Set up an integration with your HR system to automate adding users to Learn Amp, safely and securely.

Time-out controls

Automatically log users out after a specified period of time


Securely transfer data our of Learn Amp and into your systems.

Single-device login

Only allow users to log in to one device at a time. This automatically logs them out of their previous session.

Custom terms

Enable custom terms to ensure that any users signing up are aware of how you are handling their data.

SFTP (File transfer)

Import content into the system using the Secure File Transfer Protocol.

HTTPS standard

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a protocol that secures communication and data transfer between a user's web browser and a website.

Custom domains

Set up your own custom domain with SSL.

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