Learn Amp features and capabilities list

Start with Core and build your bespoke Employee Development Platform with our additional modules - Perform and Advanced.

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Platform Customisation
Customisable colours
Brand customisation
Logos in navigation and on page
Per page banners
Display logo on content
Email customisation
Brand colours
Customisable copy
Add notes to automated emails
Content customisation
Theme tile imagery
Custom colours for Learnlists
Use templated off-the-shelf dashboards
Create custom dashboards using our widget library
Set visibility of dashboards by user role
Managers can create their own dashboard
Library of action-driving widgets such as tasked learning, recommended content, upcoming events
Library of reflective insight/reporting widgets such as leader boards, content completion, OKR attainment
Visual dashboards
Engagement insights: Active users over time, most popular day etc.
Content trends: Most popular, highest rated, most consumed etc.
Additional custom dashboards with visualisation
Filterable tables
Filterable feed of all activity
See who has completed a piece of content
See what content selected people have completed
And/Or filters allow you to build up logic to filter
Save, export and share
Save reports to return to later
Send reports by email on a regular cycle
Share reports with others
Export reports
Reminder notifications
Automated reminders for tasks, 1-to-1s, events and more
Automated notifications when a learner is overdue
Get notified at key moments: Submissions, completion, overdue and more
Escalation policies: Notify key people after repeated overdue actions
Digests and insights
Weekly email report: Your week in review
Grouping multiple tasks and 1-to-1s into single emails
Email customisation
Brand colours
Customisable copy
Add notes to automated emails
Notification channels
In app
Integrations; Slack, MS Teams, Zapier
User Management
User Creation
User Provisioning Integrations
Ad Hoc Single User Creation
Bulk Import of Users
User Management
User Status Tracking
Extensive Filtering Options
Individual User Management
User Impersonation
Batch actions
Group Creation and Management
Dynamic user grouping with and/or filters
A personalised group page
Group reporting
Custom fields, group filters
Automated group movements
Choose when membership refreshes
Automations based on dynamic properties
Nested groups
Group level authoring
Team Creation and Management
Organise users into teams e.g. Marketing, Finance, Project teams etc.
Each user has a primary team which can be used to set manager
Secondary teams are additional teams that can be used to assign content
Set manager by team or individual
Batch actions to add users to teams
Easily align teams with parent and sub-teams
Team chart to visualise the organisations hierarchy
Assign content to all sub-teams in the hierarchy
Set permissions tied to hierarchy e.g. whether team managers can see all sub-teams
Data Management
Data Migration
Bulk Import of Content, Users, and Activity
Complex Dynamic Imports
Free API Keys
Open Endpoint Docs
Audit log
Track create, update & edit actions
See the user/editor and their IP Address
Time and date stamped
Secure password
Password algorithm with strength indicator
Balances memorability with security
Includes combinations, length and uniqueness
Prevents use of guessable 'local' phrases such as company name
Secure device login (optional)
User can only be logged in to one device at a time
Automatically logged out of previous device
Email notification with details (where, when, what device & IP)
SSO options
Microsoft Azure Active Directory
Microsoft ADFS
Office 365
Google Sign-in
Automation and Workflows
Escalation Policies
Automatic user labelling
Automatic notification to selected roles and users based on rule based triggers such as overdue training
Event management
Create face-to-face and online events
Options for editing, duplicating, cloning, archiving and deleting
Add supporting content to educate attendees
Multi-session and multi-event options
Recurring events
Visibility and enrolment
Set visibility of events to for individuals, teams, groups and the whole organisation
User enrol (first come, first serve)
Admin approval
Admin enrolment only
Batch enrol
Event waitlist
Mark attendance
Automatic marking
Learner marks
Host marks
Admins mark
Batch mark as attended
Different question types
Multiple choice
Drag and drop
Video and images for quiz questions
Set Pass/Fail score
Add a pass score on quizzes
Set a cap on the number of attempts
Set a time limit
Give quiz feedback
Add automated feedback per answer
Send links to content as part of the feedback
Quiz reporting
Question breakdown: Get insights on which questions are being passed/failed most often
See breakdown of attempts per person
Filter logs by quiz score to identify trends
Flexible exercise creation
Test understanding by asking for a submission in response to a question
Add to items of content or actions
Request written submissions, file uploads or in-site video recordings
Add descriptions and update button labels for context (e.g. 'Upload your CV')
Set whether uploads are optional or mandatory
Scoring and feedback
Set a limited number of attempts
Create a marking criteria via Scoring Rubrics
Set a pass score or manually mark as complete
Respond to submissions with written or recorded feedback (video or voice)
Customisable scoring matrix
See overview information such as how many users have submitted, average score etc.
See pass/fails overall or by attempt
View a charted breakdown of scoring rubric scores
Export data to CSV
Learning Tasks/Assignments
Flexible assignment
Assign to individuals, teams, groups or the whole company
Set tasks to automatically recur
Dynamic assignment: Set for new joiner or based on criteria such as content completion
Display and reminders
Label tasks as 'Mandatory'
Display on a filterable 'To-do list'
Add messages to tasks with links to content
Get automatic reminders via notifications and email
Get overdue reminders
Break down tasks by teams and individuals
Quick display of completed and overdue tasks
Apply filters layering up logic
Report pre-filtered based on team hierarchy
People and content logs to see reporting from different anglesof content
Advanced filterable dashboards for tracking learning completion
Save reports, share them and set up email reminders
Content authoring tool (for blogs and others)
Self-record video and audio
AI writing assistant
SCORM 2004
CMI5 enabled
Web content (including embedding Youtube, Vimeo, Slideshare, Mixcloud)
Video (with automatic transcoding)
Files (various, including embed of PDF)
Quick add and edit
Upload multiple files by dragging and dropping
'Quick add' feature to immediately add content
Chrome plugin for quick adding direct from the article, video or other
Duplicate content
Multi-step process makes it easy to find what you need to quickly edit
Archive content that is no longer in use
Apply updates to multiple piece of content with batch actions
Automated set live and expiry dates
Set up Categories for easy search and filtering
Group content into Learnlists (Playlists of learning)
Set up Pathways of learning
Unordered Learnlists: Best for collections of content
Ordered Learnlists: Best for structured content
Locked Learnlists & Channels: Best for compliance or when you want to ensure users go through all content
Add assessments to act as 'learning checkpoints' in locked channels
Tag content with topics
Tag content with skills
Visibility, assignment and completion
Set content to be visible to all, by group, team or individual
Control which library items can be searched for
Use dynamic rules to assign content at the right time in your learners journey
Set content to 'Hidden', 'Only visible when assigned' or 'Visible to all'
Completion of content can be manual or automatic
User Generated Content
Upload items from the web, files or self-recorded video or audio content
Chrome plugin to allow adding straight from online content
Create Learnlists and Pathways to come back to
Learners can publish and share content with wider organisation
Approval process for learner-generated content to be published and shared with wider organisation
Creator listed as author
User driven: Select interests (Marketing, UX, Leadership etc.) and add filters (rating, price, types)
Algorithm recommending trending, highly rated content
View how others have rated content and filter reviews
Add your own star rating and comments
Easy survey creation
Out of the box templates for quick administration
Free-text, Opinion scale, Poll, Multiple choice, and more question types
Check in people's engagement and happiness
Get feedback on training or key business decisions
Ask ad-hoc questions
180 Feedback: Fill in a survey to feed back on someone else e.g. a manager survey
Dynamically display a field depending on who is filling out e.g. Name
Assignment & Reporting
Set up surveys to go out on a cycle e.g. weekly, monthly, yearly
Survey insights - easily see averages and top answers
Visual charts to show answer breakdown
Numerical tables including % breakdown
Visualise how answers change over time
Download CSVs by individual or overall
User Profiles
Personal bio
Expertise tags
Pin 'featured content': Link to a piece of content you have added or to a piece you love
Posts Summary: Discussion and Q&A
View similar experts based on tags
User Directory
Tiled directory of all users include profile image, job title and expertise
Easy to find with quick search function
Find experts by filtering by expertise
Multiple custom fields to filter by
Click through to see full profile
Team or Group-based communities
Members can share content and external links
Overview, social feed
‘Like’ button mimics popular social media sites
Member directory, privacy settings
Discover public, private groups
Add to all content levels, Items, Learnlists and Channels
Learners can ask public or private questions
Assign and display experts to answer questions
Reply threads make it easy to respond and see the conversation
Pin top questions or answers
Get notified of new updates
Add discussions at all levels Items, Events, Learnlists and Channels
Separate discussion threads make it easy to discuss around themes
Re-find a discussion thread with search
All users can reply within threads
Key threads and messages can be 'pinned'
Get notified of updates on discussions you're involved in
Instant in-app messaging
Direct messages
Group chats
Attachments, controls
Restrict messaging to got o admins only
Content Sharing
Managers, coaches and admins can share content, events and surveys with other learners
Shared content feed on Learner dashboard
Add messages to shares with links to content and formatting
Learners can share content, events and surveys with other learners
Receive notification and emails for shares
Skills Assessments & Recommendations
Invite assigned users
Self-assessment and manager assessment
Request skills assessment from managers
Skills recommendations
Skills influence content recommendations
Skills Management
1,500+ skills library
Create own skills
Career roles creation
Skills and Roles competency frameworks
Skills Reporting
Skills dashboards
Side-by-side skill comparisons
Skills Taxonomies in Learning Library management
Tag content with skills
Skills ratings and interests inform content recommendations
1-to-1 templates
Create reusable templates
Add questions for the reviewer, reviewee or both
Decide which learning and performance data to include, e.g. include Tasks, Quizzes, Content completion, etc. to show within the 1:1 form
Set agenda points and actions for all to discuss
Add notes including documents or videos
Set the frequency of your 1-to-1s whether weekly, monthly or quarterly
Add nuanced options to your cycles including skipping certain months
Set who 1-to-1s are issued to whether the whole company, teams or individuals
Have multiple cycles running at the same time
Drive action
Reviewer and reviewee can add agenda points and actions
Actions pull across to the next 1-to-1 to review
Set tasks and objectives from the 1-to-1 form
Add notes and documents to support
Summary of 1-to-1 progress including % completion and numbers of complete/incomplete
View by company, team or individual
Quick filters to see who is overdue and not yet complete
Escalation to flag those who are regularly overdue
Create and Update Objectives and Key Results
Create objectives with key results
Flexible scoring options: Complete / incomplete, achieving a certain %, bracket etc.
Save OKRs as pre-sets to assign to one or more person
Use a traffic light flag to show whether you are on-course, need help or are at risk
Set sensitive objectives to private
Add written notes and upload documents to show progress
Real time log of updates
Levels and alignment
Set objectives at an company, team or individual level
Flexible controls allow all users to add their own objectives
Align to link progress between objectives, so updating one contributes to the other
Learners can view all objectives to see how their objectives contribute
Chart view allows you to easily see how objectives align
Recurring cycles
Set up a quarterly cycle for objectives or add your own
Users get notified when objectives are assigned or updated
Get notified when objectives are overdue
Add a score and written report when closing objectives
View all objectives or filter by Company, Team or Individual
Filter to see objectives that are behind to get learners back on track

Optional add ons

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