nbkc bank: Next-Level Knowledge Management
How nbkc bank transformed their learning platform into a hybrid knowledge hub

Knowledge retention in less than a year
>$ 12000
Annual time and cost savings
100 %
Completion on mandatory training
The Context
Knowledge management in the “new normal”
Fast-growing banking innovator nbkc bank had recently hired a new L&D team to take their learning and development strategy to the next level.
The team had ambitious objectives:
- To create a learning strategy that would support their growing workforce;
- To adapt their learning resources to their post-pandemic hybrid working model;
- To support innovation with cutting-edge learning resources, available when they were needed;
- To create an exceptional learner experience that would reflect their brand values: simple, transparent, and focused on the needs of their customers and employees.
As a starting point, they recognised that they would need a learning platform that would provide a centralised source of learning information and resources that was easily accessible by their hybrid workforce.

The Challenge
Flexibility and compliance
nbkc decided that wanted to create an online learning hub that would act as both a learning platform and a sophisticated knowledge management system.
The system would need to be both flexible – to suit their fast-growing distributed and newly hybrid workforce – and centralised – to ensure they maintained compliance in a highly regulated industry.
They defined the following project objectives:
- Create an easy-to-use, searchable, central source for all things Learning and Development;
- Develop a more interactive knowledge base for Operations staff and encourage employee engagement;
- Distribute knowledge, learning and information across the hybrid workforce, and encourage employees to proactively share knowledge with each other.
Why Learn Amp?
For the implementation of their project, they chose Learn Amp. It seemed like the perfect fit, because unlike other platforms, Learn Amp combines learning, engagement, community and performance development tools—in one unified platform.
In other words, Learn Amp would allow them to offer their employees a combined learning platform and knowledge management hub that would be simple, easy to use, accessible and engaging.
We implemented Learn Amp to centralize all our learning by housing custom learning videos and content, learning events, surveys, and curated articles. Our goal was to implement a platform that can be accessible to all employees, easy to use and for immediate adoption based on the content and features that Learn Amp has to offer.
Anna Welchman
Learning and Development Partner, nbkc bank
The Solution
A combined learning platform and knowledge hub
For knowledge-based businesses like nbkc, the solution is a platform that allows information to be stored in one place and easily organised around a logical taxonomy. Instead of siloes, every employee can find the information they need when they need it.
By getting knowledge out of experts' heads and into categories of searchable content, nbkc could establish a central place so employees know how to find what they need.
By structuring content into learning modules and automating tasks in Learn Amp, nbkc were able to take the knowledge and information stored in various places, and organise it into a format that's engaging and easy to find.
Knowledge in one, searchable place
nbkc now have a single source of truth. Managers, HR and L&D professionals no longer need to spend time answering individual queries from employees – they can simply point people to the right place.
With searchable PDFs and videos in Learn Amp, nbkc were able to make their compliance newsletters and FAQ documents fully searchable. This saved their employees a lengthy search through emails or on the company website for the information they needed.
The Q&A function in Learn Amp meant that nbkc could designate 'Experts' on specific content, who would be notified to answer questions on the content. This meant answers could be made accessible to all, in one place, and experts were no longer needing to answer the same question twice. Employees are now able to search Q&A to find the answer they need, and Experts can highlight FAQs to address the most common gaps in knowledge.
This was not only great for employees, who now have everything they need to make their workday run smoothly – it also meant they could provide better customer support, finding the answer to customer queries at a moment’s notice.
Knowledge sharing happens, now the content is easy to find
With the functionality for learners to share and upload content sharing functionality, nbkc enabled employees to take more responsibility for distributing and sharing their knowledge with colleagues – a vital competitive advantage in such a knowledge-heavy industry.
Content sharing in Learn Amp enabled managers to share information with their teams, with a few clicks. In addition, employees can now create their own content, collaborate on learning materials together, and submit the content to curators - designated experts who can check the content is accurate and engaging before sharing more widely.
Engagement can be measured
Before Learn Amp, nbkc didn't have a way to measure who was engaging with which content, and whether the content was useful.
With functionality such as surveys and quizzes, nbkc could weave opportunities to collect feedback and measure effectiveness into the learning modules they built.
In particular, nbkc wanted to measure the knowledge retention rate of their onboarding programme. By using a mixture of interactive exercises and quizzes to create a blended onboarding experience, nbkc could measure how effective these programmes were at reducing time-to-productivity for new joiners.
Better governance
In the banking industry, businesses have to keep up with rapid regularity changes to remain compliant. Not only was it essential to make sure that everyone has access to the information they needed – nbkc also needed to keep tabs on the information to feel confident that their employees were always up to date with the latest regulations.
With Learn Amp, the L&D team at nbkc can now easily track who created the content and when it was last updated, to make sure that it remains compliant. With expiry dates and automated notifications on content, the L&D team will never miss a deadline to update compliance when needed.
In addition, nbkc could choose the permissions to designate, to make sure that they didn't limit access where needed, but could also keep certain data confidential. By carefully designating Administrators, these admins could then choose people in their teams to have more limited permissions such as 'curator' or 'reporter', but still enable these individuals to create content on the platform, or access necessary reports.

The Learn Amp platform enables the training to be made meaningful and delivers learning at the point of need. Our custom content can be built into learning pathways make the learning process more memorable and effective – which shifts learning from passive to active.
Jessica Eggers
Chief People Officer, nbkc
The Results
Learn Amp has turned out to be the ideal solution for nbkc bank. Because it is so easy for learners to upload and share information, there has been a substantial behavioural shift across the organisation.
Overall, they've seen:
- Knowledge retention rate on the onboarding programme has doubled in less than a year
- Huge time and cost savings, with more than $12,000 saved this year
- Employees engaging with content, with over 25,000 content shares in under a year
- Experts answering over 600 questions since launch - answers which can now be searched in the platform
- Content created by the Think Tank team has been viewed over 10,000 times
- Over 7,000 mandatory training tasks completed, with a 100% completion rate
Increased knowledge retention
The pilot onboarding programmes that nbkc built in the platform have already proven to double knowledge retention and reduce time-to-productivity.
Now, future new hires can see the information they need on-demand, as knowledge is no longer locked in experts' heads, but in one, searchable place. This has enabled nbkc to retain knowledge in the business and made knowledge sharing much more efficient.
Before Learn Amp, valuable knowledge was buried in various places in their intranet and difficult for learners to find, which meant engagement with content previously was at an extremely low rate.
Now, learning has been shifted from passive to active and nbkc see a consistently high engagement and positive feedback on the memorable, bespoke learning pathways they've been able to create.
Decentralised knowledge sharing
Employees are taking more responsibility for distributing and sharing their knowledge with colleagues – a vital competitive advantage in such a knowledge-heavy industry.
With over 25,000 content shares (on average 56 shares, per user) in under 12 months, nbkc have seen fantastic engagement from their learners in the content they've added to the platform - with knowledge being shared not only from managers to their teams, but also between peers.
One team that have seen major improvement is the nbkc Think Tank – their Innovation department. As innovation and thought leadership is hugely important to nbkc’s business strategy, this is a welcome development.
Content created by the Think Tank (innovation team) has been viewed over 10,000 times since launch.
Higher engagement in learning
Employees have linked this uptick in engagement to the ease of use of the new knowledge hub. End-users describe the platform as fresh and adaptive; with dashboards displaying all the information they need in one place, including their ‘To Do’ list, as well as recommendations and content shares, which entices people to keep coming back into the platform.
Learn Amp, they say, is “easy to navigate”, “more simplified,” “very user friendly” and “all in one place.” Everyone knows where to go to find the information they need, when they need it.
Time saved for the L&D team
The L&D team can now pull multi-layered reports about activity, instead of needing to connect with leaders directly. The filter options mean that reports can be tweaked to show the information that's needed.
In addition, it's now quick and easy to make tweak to content, so that the L&D team can adapt content to better address people's knowledge gaps, where they've identified these.
I'm seeing more employees saying "Can we put this on Learn Amp?" The platform has increased their engagement and investment in their own information. That's never happened before Learn Amp, so that is super positive to me in the way they're thinking about how they can use it for their own teams.
Tamara West
Operational Solutions Manager, Think Tank (innovation team)
How could your business do the same?
Forward-looking companies need to find a knowledge management solution that suits the new realities of business. Today’s employees expect to use enterprise software that is as accessible and user-friendly as the tools they use in their personal lives. They also need a knowledge hub that they can access remotely and via mobile, that makes it easy for them to find what they need, and that supports their collaboration with colleagues around the globe. For nbkc bank, the future looks bright.
I'm so pleased overall with the product, the team, and the continued openness to feedback and growth from Learn Amp. Excited to continue our partnership together!
Tamara Ziegler
Learning and Development Partner, nbkc bank