GDPR and Learn Amp
What is GDPR and how is Learn Amp protecting my data?

What is GDPR and does it affect me?
The GDPR was set up to protect the personal data of EU citizens and increase obligations on organisations who can collect or process personal data. This came into force on 25th of May, and will affect you as a Learn Amp customer. We take your privacy and protection of your data very seriously, so you crest assured that we are fully GDPR compliant.

What is Learn Amp doing to protect my data?
We regularly review how we store your data and we are constantly striving to give you greater controls to manage your data.
We comply by the regulation in the following ways, we... :
Know where your data is stored and have fully documented processes to ensure that it is safe and secure

Have conducted a full risk assessment of all website data and taken appropriate actions to safeguard

Have implemented extensive access controls where sensitive data is stored and have the highest levels of protection against unauthorised access

Give you access to your data at any point that your request it, including anything held by 3rd party services

Ensure that we ask your consent for any marketing activities and give you full control to withdraw this at any time
You can review an extended breakdown of our standards by viewing our Privacy policy and our Security measures

Want to find out more about GDPR and how you can effectively implement it within your business?
Download our white paper 'Beyond Compliance: Preparing for GDPR and a new data mindset'
More information about my data
What we're storing
We store only necessary information to allow us to handle sales requests, allow users to have an account etc. We give businesses and their users full access to keep their details accurate and up to date, ensuring that you meet your legal obligations as an employer.
How we store it
We encrypt your data wherever it is stored and our processes of storage are designed to provide the utmost security. Data is not transferred outside the EEA/EU.
Who can access it
We have extensive internal access controls for members of the Learn Amp team as well as advanced criteria to ensure that the accounts are not accessible by others.
Held to the highest standards
Data security is our highest priority. Bi-annual PEN tests and annual SOC II and Cyber Essentials audits help us to stay safe and secure. We're GDPR compliant and a BCorp too!

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