Your company culture, online

Bring your company culture to life online by adding your company branding, videos and assets to make it feel like home. Share updates with your team in a matter of minutes.

Market leading

Highly rated and awarded, across the board

Group 1569

Our Solutions

digital ‘Home’

Share company updates

Share updates that display on your employees homepage immediately. Create content in seconds that you can share with your whole company. Record videos, write updates and share events - all in a matter of minutes.


Your digital 'Home'

Brand the space to be your own, including your colours, images and wording. Set up your homepage with our flexible dashboards and widgets. Link off to your most important tools with visual widgets. Add featured content and events and get insights with leaderboards and reports.

digital home 3 (3)
Digital events

Set up digital events from 'Town halls' to Webinars

Schedule and manage webinars, video calls and social events. Share pre-reading or viewing before virtual meetings. We integrate with Zoom and MS Teams. Easy to manage event attendance and benefit from automated waiting lists

Record and share company-wide announcements

Use our self-record tool to film quick fire announcements from your mobile, tablet or webcam and distribute them to the whole company or specific teams and groups. Feature the video on your users homepage to act as a welcome message or key update.


Highly rated, everywhere

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